BSoD Character Creation Guidelines
The Blue Shield of Defiance (BSoD) is a reboot of the now twice defunct Red Hand of Doom campaign. The most recent iteration of this campaign module was a Pathfinder adaptation. Despite the merits of the Pathfinder system, I’ve grown to dislike it, which is why the campaign stalled. To get things rolling again, I am reverting the campaign back to 3.5/3.P. The plot will continue from where we left off with some hand-waving for any character changes. More »

Servant of Sardior
This dragonborn uses his psionic talents to assist those in his worldthought network. More »

White Raven Commander
This goliath commander uses White Raven maneuvers to lead the hordes of the Red Hand. More »

Stealth Bomber
Capable of getting in and out unnoticed, but the after effects will be hard to ignore. More »