The Infiltrator has one job: get inside, even if it means walking through the front door. More »
Iron Paw
Character Progression Alternate Class Features Wildshape Ranger: lose combat style, gain wildshape as a druid and fast movement as a barbarian Arcane Hunter: lose normal favored enemy, gain favored enemy (arcanists) Solitary Hunter: lose animal companion, gain favored enemy bonus to attack and damage Additional Feats Mighty Wild Shape (brown bear) Martial Stance (thicket of […] More »

House Rule Compilation
Here is a list of house rules sampled from various places that I intend on adopting for future use. Many of these we have never used before, but have been well tested by others. These are general house rules that will be campaign independent. Campaign specific house rules and character generation guidelines will be specified on a per campaign basis. More »

Hailing from a dwarven clan with fiendish heritage, Helfried embraces his immortal blood by making pacts with long lost gods. More »

Fully Transparent Psionics
Magic and psionics are to be considered fully transparent as detailed here. More »