By Sean on January 9, 2014
A phantom steed carries this knight into battle. More »
Filed under Controller, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Striker with keywords: abjurant champion, arcane, caster, character, gish, knight phantom, melee, mounted, npc, wizard
By Chris on December 30, 2012
A dwarven battle cleric that uses his ancestral knowledge to dominate foes. More »
Filed under Leader, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with keywords: character, church inquisitor, cleric, dragonfire adept, dwarf
By Chris on October 21, 2012
This dragonborn uses his psionic talents to assist those in his worldthought network. More »
Filed under Leader, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with keywords: character, crystal master, dragonborn, dsp, half-orc, manifester, worldthought medic
By Sean on January 25, 2012
As situations arise, that any addenda to E++ that have not been ratified for general use, in my campaign, these changes shall be made public herein. More »
Filed under Resources, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with keywords: eccs, house rules, rtttoee
By Sean on January 12, 2012
Character Progression Maneuvers and Stances Known More »
Filed under Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, Striker with keywords: barbarian, character, charger, initiator, martial, melee, ranger, warblade, wildrunner