Iron Paw
Character Progression Alternate Class Features Wildshape Ranger: lose combat style, gain wildshape as a druid and fast movement as a barbarian Arcane Hunter: lose normal favored enemy, gain favored enemy (arcanists) Solitary Hunter: lose animal companion, gain favored enemy bonus to attack and damage Additional Feats Mighty Wild Shape (brown bear) Martial Stance (thicket of […] More »

Hailing from a dwarven clan with fiendish heritage, Helfried embraces his immortal blood by making pacts with long lost gods. More »

Unarmed Assailant Mk II
This character is a reinvention of the Unarmed Assailant build. Overall, I’ve been discontent with the ardent class. I’ve never once run out of power points (though I did come close once), so the reduction from switching to psychic warrior should be manageable. More importantly, the one this that the Unarmed Assailant suffers from most is a lack of feats. Said lack of feats made me abandon claws of the beast to focus on unarmed strikes. This is my attempt to reconcile my original vision for this character. More »
Hurt Me Plenty
A crusader with emphasis on surviving Lair Assault and helping his friends do the same. Crowd control is achieved using Stand Still coupled with a 20-round Enlarge Person. Chosen maneuvers focus on supplementing his otherwise minor damage output. More »
Herald of Bahamut
Character Progression Invocations Known More »