Butterfingers is a halfling alchemist with a bad habit of dropping his potions all over other people. The ultimate goal of this character is to emulate a Final Fantasy Tactics chemist, but with Gatling gun speed. Spellvials allow him to create on-contact spell effects, rather than forcing his allies to spend previous actions to drink potions. Combined with multiple throws a round, this makes Butterfingers a formidable (de)buffer in combat. More »
Pack Master
This druid and her animal companion lead a small troop of nature’s allies. Wild shape and an animal companion provide the brawn, while summon nature’s ally is used to call in backup or for utility. More »
Steady Manifester
This manifester essentially gets three free power points added on to any manifestation. The primary use of this added fuel is efficiency: for only 1pp, she can spam energy missile to her hearts content. But don’t underestimate her power, she can also summon forth 5th level astral constructs to lay the smack down. More »
This planetouched has ancestry from Mechanus and aims to put his natural talents to good use. As an artificer, he is capable of providing items normally unattainable for an E6 party. Survival is achieved by pitting his Iron Defender on the front line, while he stays in back with an array of wands. If he sustains damage, it is quickly repaired with a jolt of electricity. More »

An adamantine citadel of virtue, this nameless warforged seeks out combat with the darkest of evils. Although a formidable initiator, his abilities are considerably augmented by a portfolio of spells and infusions. Artificer infusions allow him strategic preparations, while he maintains paladin spells for tactical flexibility. More »