The Eberron Common Campaign Setting (ECCS) is a game world shared between many campaigns. ECCS is built upon the solid foundation provided by the Eberron Campaign Setting and its expansions. It aims to provide a framework for creating and playing individual, but interlinked, campaigns. Detailed below are the ECCS modifications to the standard Eberron world.
Source Material
The following material is all explicitly allowed:
- All official, non-campaign specific material
- Including web content and web enhancements
- All official Eberron campaign material
- Hyperconcious
However, the following exceptions are made:
- No flaws or traits
- The Bloodstorm Thrower, Planar Shepard, and Ur Priest prestige classes
- Any of the following spells or powers, or their derivatives:
- Alter Self
- Polymorph
- Metamorphosis
House Rules
Unless otherwise specified by a campaign description, the house rules below and in the house rule compilation are in effect.
Character Creation
Maximum Hit Points: Characters, monsters, and NPCs alike all receive maximum hit points.
4e-Style Saving Throws: The modifier applied to a particular save is based on 4th Edition rules. Fortitude is based on the better of strength or constitution. Similarly, Reflex is based on dexterity or intelligence, and Will on wisdom or charisma.
Simple Point Buy: Player characters determine their stats using a 22 point buy with a base of 10 in each stat. No stat may be above 18 or below 10 before racial modifiers. Additionally, only one stat may be above 16 before racial modifiers. Generally speaking, only notable NPCs such as recurring villains will receive this treatment. Most NPCs and monsters will have standard stat blocks. Note that this particular system results in heroic player characters and may be toned down for a particular campaign.
Tough Monsters: If players can optimize, then so can monsters. In addition to maximum hit points, monsters may select skills and feats differing from those described in the source books. The result may be a much tougher creature than what you may expect.
Game Mechanics
Action Downgrades: A given action may be used for an equivalent or smaller action type using the following scale: Standard >> Move >> Swift. Note that you cannot give up your 5-foot step, nor can you gain additional 5-foot steps. For example, as a full round action you could perform three swift actions (one for standard, one for move, and one for swift) and a 5-foot step.
One permeating fact about this common campaign setting is that it is common to all campaigns. The actions of one adventuring party may affect those of another.