By Sean on January 25, 2012
As situations arise, that any addenda to E++ that have not been ratified for general use, in my campaign, these changes shall be made public herein. More »
Filed under Resources, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with keywords: eccs, house rules, rtttoee
By Sean on January 21, 2012
This shifters natural psionic talent manifests physically as an ectoplasmic primal beast. More »
Filed under Striker with keywords: character, e6, gish, manifester, shifter, wilder
By Sean on January 21, 2012
Character Progression More »
Filed under Striker with keywords: caster, character, cleric, divine, halfling, lair assault, martial, melee, mounted, ranger
By Chris on January 17, 2012
A crusader with emphasis on surviving Lair Assault and helping his friends do the same. Crowd control is achieved using Stand Still coupled with a 20-round Enlarge Person. Chosen maneuvers focus on supplementing his otherwise minor damage output. More »
Filed under Controller, Defender with keywords: caster, character, cleric, crusader, divine, human, initiator, lair assault, martial, melee
By Sean on January 12, 2012
Character Progression Invocations Known More »
Filed under Controller, Defender, Leader, The Stone Curse with keywords: character, dragonborn, dragonfire adept, hellbred, invoker, paladin, ranged