The Citadel Character Creation Guidelines
The Citadel is a trial set forth by gods. It accepts only a few people at a time and seems to be exceptionally picky about who it will accept. Those who enter rarely return, but those that do emerge as some of the most powerful beings in existence. More »

Home Under the Range
500 Gold to the first group to assist the Dawn Rock clan with their excavation in Vultania Gorge. See Curano La’San at the White Pony Inn for details. More »

VotGD Character Creation Guidelines
By decree of the King’s Council, The Order of the Practitioners of the Invisible Arts hath been commission’d to recruit entertainers and guards for the send off gala and maiden voyage of the Golden Dragon. More »

HoNS Character Creation Guidelines
Source Material The following material is all expressly allowed: All official, non-campaign specific material Including web content and web enhancements All official Eberron campaign material Hyperconcious However, the following exceptions are denied: No flaws The Bloodstorm Thrower, Planar Shepard, and Ur Priest prestige classes Any of the following spells or powers, or their derivatives: Alter […] More »

BSoD Character Creation Guidelines
The Blue Shield of Defiance (BSoD) is a reboot of the now twice defunct Red Hand of Doom campaign. The most recent iteration of this campaign module was a Pathfinder adaptation. Despite the merits of the Pathfinder system, I’ve grown to dislike it, which is why the campaign stalled. To get things rolling again, I am reverting the campaign back to 3.5/3.P. The plot will continue from where we left off with some hand-waving for any character changes. More »