By Sean on February 8, 2014
Filed under Defender, Leader, The Blue Shield of Defiance with keywords: caster, character, church inquisitor, cleric, crusader, divine, dragonborn, dragonfire adept, fractional bab, fractional saves, gish, lesser aasimar, martial, melee, ruby knight vindicator
By Sean on January 8, 2014
Purge the unclean. More »
Filed under Heart of Nightfang Spire, Leader with keywords: caster, character, church inquisitor, cleric, contemplative, divine, fractional bab, fractional saves, human, paragnostic apostle, radiant servant, sacred exorcist
By Chris on December 30, 2012
A dwarven battle cleric that uses his ancestral knowledge to dominate foes. More »
Filed under Leader, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with keywords: character, church inquisitor, cleric, dragonfire adept, dwarf
By Sean on April 4, 1984
Character Progression Maneuvers and Stances More »
Filed under Defender, Leader, The Drapes of Wrath with keywords: caster, character, church inquisitor, cleric, crusader, divine, dragonborn, hobgolbin, initiator, ruby knight vindicator