The Infiltrator has one job: get inside, even if it means walking through the front door. More »
Iron Paw
Character Progression Alternate Class Features Wildshape Ranger: lose combat style, gain wildshape as a druid and fast movement as a barbarian Arcane Hunter: lose normal favored enemy, gain favored enemy (arcanists) Solitary Hunter: lose animal companion, gain favored enemy bonus to attack and damage Additional Feats Mighty Wild Shape (brown bear) Martial Stance (thicket of […] More »

Hailing from a dwarven clan with fiendish heritage, Helfried embraces his immortal blood by making pacts with long lost gods. More »
Butterfingers is a halfling alchemist with a bad habit of dropping his potions all over other people. The ultimate goal of this character is to emulate a Final Fantasy Tactics chemist, but with Gatling gun speed. Spellvials allow him to create on-contact spell effects, rather than forcing his allies to spend previous actions to drink potions. Combined with multiple throws a round, this makes Butterfingers a formidable (de)buffer in combat. More »