Campaign Proposal: Stealth Logistics Initiative
Here’s an attempt to rework the SLI campaign. So far it will be E6, gestalt, and possibly be limited to tier 3 and below. A couple of thoughts about potential campaign rules and and house rules to try. Potentially a lawful evil or lawful good group. using some custom house rules instead of making gestalt […] More »
Iron Paw
Character Progression Alternate Class Features Wildshape Ranger: lose combat style, gain wildshape as a druid and fast movement as a barbarian Arcane Hunter: lose normal favored enemy, gain favored enemy (arcanists) Solitary Hunter: lose animal companion, gain favored enemy bonus to attack and damage Additional Feats Mighty Wild Shape (brown bear) Martial Stance (thicket of […] More »

Thoughts on a Synergistic Gestalt Party
When creating a gestalt character, it is tempting to view the dual class progression as an opportunity to achieve greater breadth. However, gestalt is utilized most effectively when each side of the progression provides synergy. As a simple example, adding gestalt monk levels to a melee-focused druid doesn’t really broaden what the character is capable of. Instead, it makes the character that much better at doing his job. Similarly, I often see parties of characters built to their own ends with no sense of party synergy. These are my thoughts on what a well built gestalt party would look like. More »

An adamantine citadel of virtue, this nameless warforged seeks out combat with the darkest of evils. Although a formidable initiator, his abilities are considerably augmented by a portfolio of spells and infusions. Artificer infusions allow him strategic preparations, while he maintains paladin spells for tactical flexibility. More »