An adamantine citadel of virtue, this nameless warforged seeks out combat with the darkest of evils. Although a formidable initiator, his abilities are considerably augmented by a portfolio of spells and infusions. Artificer infusions allow him strategic preparations, while he maintains paladin spells for tactical flexibility. More »
Sacred Glaivelock
An eldritch glaive front-liner with the staying power of a warlock and the god mode of a cleric. Eldritch glaive and healing blast allow him to full attack the rest of the party for efficient healing. More »
Neith is a psionic gish with a focus on survivability. Share pain, vigor, and a fully wild surged astral construct ensure that there are plenty of hit points to go around. Leap attack and psionic lion’s charge make sure she’s not the only one getting beat on. More »

Unarmed Assailant
Character Progression Powers Known Items of Interest Ectoplasmic fist Quori shard Warforged arms graft Battlefist Amulet of natural attacks Fanged ring More »
Harpoon Hurler
Character Progression Potential Rebuild Essential feats Point blank shot precise shot psionic shot fell shot far shot Power attack Brutal throw Power throw Useful feats Psionic meditation Psicrystal affinity Psicrystal containment Greater psionic shot Weapon focus Weapon specialization Ranged weapon mastery Penetrating shot Classes Ranger 2 Fighter 2, 4 Barbarian 1, 2, 4, 5 Hulking […] More »