By Chris on April 4, 1984
Character Progression Shifter Feats of Interest Great Rend Healing Factor Shifter Defense Greater Shifter Defense Shifter Ferocity Shifter Multiattack Shifter Stamina Other Feats of Interest Improved Natural Attack Improved Unarmed Strike Snap Kick Evasive Reflexes Power Attack Leap Attack Improved Bullrush Shock Trooper Improved Sunder Combat Brute More »
Filed under Striker with keywords: bloodclaw master, character, initiator, martial, melee, ranger, shifter, warblade, weretouched master
By Chris on April 4, 1984
Character Progression Shifter Feats of Interest Great Rend Healing Factor Shifter Defense Greater Shifter Defense Shifter Ferocity Shifter Multiattack Shifter Stamina More »
Filed under Defender with keywords: barbarian, bear warrior, character, grappler, martial, melee, shapechanger, shifter, weretouched master
By Chris on April 4, 1984
The psiblade is first and foremost a toe-to-toe fighter. Using metamorphosis to assume a form with large reach and a high strength score, the psiblade can simply beat through an opponent’s defenses. Finishing his career with access to 9th-level powers ensures that he retains some versatility. More »
Filed under Defender with keywords: ardent, character, gish, human, manifester, martial, melee, psychic weapon master, sanctified mind, slayer
By Chris on April 4, 1984
Character Progression Full Round Skirmish after 20-ft. Teleport (3pp) 3x main hand + 9x off hand, each attack gets +4d6 skirmish damage +13/+13/+13/+13/+8/+8/+8/+8/+3/+3/+3/+3 without ability modifiers (includes MWF penalties) More »
Filed under Striker with keywords: ardent, character, manifester, martial, melee, scout, slayer, thri-kreen