Unarmed Assailant Mk II
This character is a reinvention of the Unarmed Assailant build. Overall, I’ve been discontent with the ardent class. I’ve never once run out of power points (though I did come close once), so the reduction from switching to psychic warrior should be manageable. More importantly, the one this that the Unarmed Assailant suffers from most is a lack of feats. Said lack of feats made me abandon claws of the beast to focus on unarmed strikes. This is my attempt to reconcile my original vision for this character. More »
Intellect Fortress
This triple-threat gestalt build aims for maximum intelligence synergy. The result is a capable Ruby Knight Vindicator with the flexibility offered by psionics. More »
Divine Embodiment
Character Progression Manuevers and Stances Spells Divine Power Righteous Might Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Lesser Infernal Transformation Greater Visage of the Deity Powers Starting Equipment Starting wealth: 19,500 gp Maximum item value: 6,500 gp +1 deep crystal guisarme (5,009 gp) Gauntlets of ogre power (4,000 gp) Periapt of wisdom +2 (4,000 gp) Cloak of […] More »