By Becky on July 9, 2011
Neith is a psionic gish with a focus on survivability. Share pain, vigor, and a fully wild surged astral construct ensure that there are plenty of hit points to go around. Leap attack and psionic lion’s charge make sure she’s not the only one getting beat on. More »
Filed under Striker, The Stone Curse with keywords: character, charger, gish, lesser aasimar, manifester, martial, melee, wilder
By Sean on May 6, 2011
Character Progression Divine Spells Arcane Spells Powers More »
Filed under Controller, Leader, Paragnostic Evil with keywords: anarchic initiate, arcane, caster, cerebremancer, character, divine, gestalt, illumian, manifester, mystic theurge, sorcerer, spirit shaman, theurge, wilder
By Sean on April 25, 2011
Character Progression More »
Filed under Defender, Leader with keywords: caster, character, crusader, divine, gestalt, initiator, manifester, paladin, ruby knight vindicator, wilder